The new Perfect-It Gelcoat Light polish formula by 3M is devised to remove light to medium oxidation, light scratches, swirl marks and other unwanted surface blemishes from the gelcoat. In addition, it leaves a smooth finish without swirls, and is even applicable to intricate dark-coloured gelcoats. This product is highly advised to be used for scratches of P1500 or finer.
Easy application.
Applicable to intricate dark-coloured gelcoats
A new formula that prolongs the product’s expiration and wet time for a more efficient clean-up.
Suitable for non-silicone-sensitive gelcoat surfaces including marine, RV and industrial.
Additional 3M Perfect-It which are available at camillerimarine include: 3M Perfect-It Heavy Cutting Compound, 3M Perfect-It Medium Cutting Compound.